Maternity Belly & Back Support health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

I get asked a lot if I wear a support belt. I do wear a support band during cardio and I LOVE it. My husband says I look like a mover in it, LOL, but hey I feel great! I am still huge into Turbo kickb...

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Tips to start Healthy eating Habits for Babies health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

Being really involved in nutrition and fitness for myself has caused a lot of people to ask me “ what do you feed your kids” OR people see what my kids are eating and they are shocked! “ Your kids eat...

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Transverse Abdominal & Pelvic Floor Exercises health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

Everyone thinks to have a lean tight stomach they need to crunch their life away. Nothing could be more false especially during pregnancy and right after. Now I believe in ab exercises BUT I think peo...

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Facts & Myths of Cellulite: What’s the deal? health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

Cellulite.. that dirty word we all hate and hate that we have it! Everyone wants to get rid of it and after seeing millions of posts on certain creams, lotions, and workouts that get rid of cellulit...

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Nursing and its effect on leaning down. health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

I posted a video a few weeks ago about how my deep freeze was half full of breast milk and I needed more space. I received so many comments on that story and how that was possible while working towa...

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1st Trimester: What to expect- Exercise, Nutrition and more health and fitness Jan 16, 2021

Simply put the first trimester is hard. You feel like death and look like you have been eating at a buffet everyday!  It is the first step to 10 months of a different life so let's talk a little about...

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