The First Step to Improving your Core

Free Deep Core & Pelvic Floor Breathing SeriesĀ 

Get my FREE 3-Video Training Core Breathing Series

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"Hey Andrea, my core is just not the same after kids. I feel stuck..."

This is a common statement I hear and trust me, you aren't stuck. Whether you simply have a weak core, Diastasis Recti, or want a strong core during pregnancy this is going to help!!!

The deep core is a unit of muscles that act like an inner corset for your core! Deep Core Breathing lays the base foundation for strengthening & improving your core. It helps you learn to connect to the pelvic floor, activate the transverse ab and support it all with breathing.

It does not matter if you had kids 4 weeks or 40 years ago you can see and feel changes at any point in your core. And it starts with these foundational  videos!!

There's more to the story about why you struggle with:

  • A bulging mommy pooch that never goes away

  • Leakage

  • Common bloating issues 

  • Back pain

  • Hip Pain from over compensation and more

When you understand and practice what I teach here, then mix it into your core workouts, strength training and daily activities it will change everything about the way it looks and feels.


Here's What You Get When You Use My Training Series:

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Activate & FindĀ 
Your Pelvic Floor

Learn how to find, feel, and connect your Pelvic floor so you can protect and use it during movements. (So you don't pee your pants when jumping!)

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Activate the Transverse Abs and Connect it to your Breathing

Learn how to strengthen the  inner core muscle which can create a corset like feel and look. This can help make your core will become a power house you will be proud of!

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Connect theĀ Inner Core
to Movements

Now use what you've learned and put the techniques into strengthen training, core workouts and daily movements! You've Got This!

Start the Free Series Today!
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I had a 4-finger  gap from Diastasis and at the very least a 2-inch deep gap after having my baby girl last April in 2019. The movements necessary to heal your TA and inner core are so minimal that it can feel like what you’re doing won’t change anything, but I’m onto week 5 and while I have a LONG way to go, I put on my pre-baby size 4 jeans this morning and could buckle them comfortably (even with my DR still distended). I haven’t been able to wear normal clothing in a year without pant extenders, and that really takes a toll on your self-esteem.

I can now engage my TA and lift my pelvic floor automatically in almost every exercise, and I love feeling how engaged it is in Andrea’s DR exercises. I moved on on started training with her. I am overjoyed and already have found so much more confidence in how I feel and look these days, and it’ll only get better!

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After my 3rd c-section I started this with a 4 finger gap in my abs, now down to about 1.5 fingers. My core is stronger and feels better after learning how to control my TVA muscles with different movements. I was able to slowly progress through all DR workouts and feel I can control my core with any movement now!








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While pregnant, my daughter was on my SI joint and I was on bed rest for a number of reasons so I couldn’t workout. I was in labor for 36 hrs.
I did physical therapy for 8 months after my daughter was born for a 3 finger gap below belly button, horrible back pain, and left hip pain.
After all that physical therapy, I still couldn’t really work out bec I couldn’t engage my core or walk very far.  Around 3 weeks in working on this I was able to feel my core and bend down without horrible back pain. I have started into Andrea's workouts now and 12 weeks in my back pain is completely gone and my gap is down to 1 finger!


Start the Free Core Breathing Series Today